So time is flying by, and according to my ticker, I have 39 days until the due date! It is so hard to believe that Olivia will be here in about a month!! Brad and I FINALLY got the furniture in, and arranged. (Pictures to come soon!) We have been hard at work washing her clothes, sheets, and anything else that may touch her precious skin. We are both totally excited, and a bit nervous of what's to come.
Brad and I spent a great day together while he was off work. We met with a pediatrician that we both liked and felt very comfortable with. We then went to Target to waste time before my doctor's appointment. I started having pretty bad contractions while I was there (and freaked Brad out quite a bit). But when I sat down, they went away. When I asked the doctor about the pain, she said it was probably just from all the pressure of the baby and everything. But she did go on and check me to see if I was dilated at all (which I wasn't). She did say that the baby's head is down and in position, so that was good news. Olivia's heartrate was in the 160's, so that was also good news. My blood pressure was normal, and weight gain right on track. Overall, we have a healthy baby, and a healthy mommy. :)
I'm not sure if it's my being off for the summer, or nesting, but I have been cleaning, and cleaning, and more cleaning. When I'm not cleaning, I am organizing! Before the baby furniture came in, I drew a diagram of the dresser/changer and of the 6 drawer dresser, labeling what was going to go in each drawer. As I have been getting her clothes washed, dried and folded, I have been looking at my diagram to help me know where to put everything. So all of the drawers are filled!
Brad and I are a little worried about how Polo will adjust to Miss Olivia's arrival. I think that after a couple of days, he will calm down and be used to her. I think he already has a feeling that something is going on. He will not let me out of his sight. If I get up to go to another room, he is right at my heels. Or if he is leading the way, he will continuously turn around to make sure I am still behind him. He seems to be getting frustrated that there isn't as much room for him on my lap as there used to be.
Well, that seems to be about all I have for today. Hope everyone is staying cool in this hot weather!